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1. Parties
Internet user ("Member") who becomes a member from our website or mobile applications, with whom a contract for membership will be made.

2. Subject
The subject of this Agreement is the terms of use published on the Keçelibebek website and mobile application and the determination of the legal responsibilities of the Parties in the agreement.

Rights and Obligations of the 3rd Parties
For users who want to become members of the site, the information entered must be accurate and up-to-date and the membership application must be approved by Magic Mobiles in order to be considered a member. The membership agreement to be established with the Members is established by clicking the check box regarding the Member's acceptance of this Agreement and entering the confirmation code sent to the phone number provided by the Member when creating the membership. The member is deemed to have the right, authority and legal capacity to sign a contract in accordance with the laws to which he/she is bound, and to be over 18 years of age and to have read and understood this contract and to be bound by the terms written in the contract. The Member who fails to provide accurate and up-to-date notification of the information provided in the Membership Agreement is responsible for all damages that may occur.

The Member accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she is entirely responsible for storing the username, phone number and the code sent to the phone number used to become a member/login to the Keçelibebek Website, keeping it away from the information of third parties and using it. Keçelibebek does not have any direct or indirect liability for any damages that the member and/or third parties have suffered or may suffer due to all negligence and faults of the member in matters such as security, storage, keeping away from third parties' information and use.

If the information provided by the member is incorrect and the relevant persons request it from Keçelibebek, the last person who made the payment to Keçelibebek using the relevant membership is deemed to be the owner of the membership and action is taken accordingly.

Member; All legal and criminal liability belongs to him for all transactions, words, expressions and contents made through the site and mobile applications. He/she accepts direct and/or indirect damages suffered or may be incurred by third parties through the site or mobile applications by acting contrary to the provisions of this Membership Agreement and/or law. He accepts, declares and undertakes that he is personally responsible as Keçelibebek, that Keçelibebek is not responsible in any way, and that he will not make any claims against Membership Agreement due to these damages and/or responsibilities.

Membership Agreement may share the Member's information with the relevant legal authorities if requested by the legal authorities.

Membership Agreement may reject Member applications or request additional information.

The Member will not use the Mobile Applications and the Site outside the rules of law and morality, primarily in the cases specified below. Member,

Using the Site or Mobile Application to create a record or guide on behalf of a person other than oneself, to use personal information, to control or change other data,

Damage or dissemination of any technology, software or virus that may damage the Site or Mobile Application itself, its database or any content contained therein,

Transacting on the Site or Mobile Application using the name and information of a person other than his/her own, creating a membership with incorrect information (contact, payment, e-mail address, telephone number, address) and using these memberships contrary to the contract, law or legislation, Using someone else's membership without permission or becoming a party or participant by creating a membership with an incorrect name,

Some or all of the content on the Site and the Mobile Application may be used through any technical, digital or manual system (automatic program, internet browser, spider, data mining, pixel tags, browser beacons, data scanning) or systems such as data scraping software without the permission of Keçelibebek. uploading other than those permitted to members or engaging in unauthorized activities that may damage technical operation or the system, copying, publishing,

It will not be used to disrupt public morality and order, for unlawful purposes, to disturb or harass other people, or to violate other people's ideas and copyrights.

It will not engage in activities and actions such as sending spam, virus and trojan horse attacks that will prevent, disrupt or make it difficult for other members, persons or institutions using the Site and Mobile Application to benefit from the services.

Keçelibebek has the right to close all or part of the Site and Mobile Applications to the Member's use in case the Site and Mobile Applications violate the law and morality listed above or any article in this Agreement.

The Member is responsible for the technical use of the Site and Mobile Applications belonging to Keçelibebek.

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