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Cookie Policy

As Magic Mobiles Shop, we use cookies when you visit our website and mobile application in order to serve you better and improve your experience. The use of these technologies is carried out in accordance with the legislation, especially the Personal Data Protection Law.

The purpose of this Cookie Policy is to provide information to site users/visitors/members ("Data Owner") regarding the processing of personal data obtained through the use of cookies on the websites and mobile applications operated by our company.

What is a Cookie?
Cookie is a small text file that a website or mobile application saves on your computer or mobile device so that it can recognize you on your next visit. This text file is private to the user and can only be read by the medium in which it was saved. Cookies are widely used to make a website and mobile application work more efficiently or to provide information to website owners.

Purposes of Use of Cookies
As Magic Mobiles, we use cookies for various purposes on our website and mobile application. We process the personal data of users/visitors/members with the cookies we use. These purposes are listed below.

To carry out the basic functions of our website and mobile application 

Recognizing users/visitors/members and providing ease of use to data owners

To increase the functionality of our website and mobile application

Ability to make customizations for data owners on our website and mobile application


For the purposes stated in the Cookie Policy, your personal data may be processed without your consent if at least one of the legal data processing conditions in the second paragraph of Article 5 of the KVK Law is met. In cases where the data processing conditions in the KVK Law are not met, your personal data is processed only with your explicit consent.

In line with the purposes stated above and in accordance with the legislation; We may share your personal data with our business partners, affiliates and third parties whose services our company uses. The parties to whom your personal data is transferred may store the transferred data on their servers located anywhere in the world.

First Party and Third Party Cookies

First-party and third-party cookies are used on our company's website and mobile application.

First-party cookies are placed by our company on the domain and can only be read by our company; These are cookies used to improve user experience and to perform basic functions of the site, such as the user's language and location preferences.

Third-party cookies are cookies that belong to and are operated by third parties, such as our company's business partners or service providers.

Cookies Used on Our Website

Authentication Cookies: These are cookies used to prevent our members from re-entering their passwords on each page while using the website and mobile application.

Advertising Cookies: These are cookies used to display behavioral and target-oriented advertisements to website and mobile application visitors.

Analytical Cookies: These are cookies used to analyze the usage habits of users/visitors/members visiting our website and mobile application and to determine application statistics.

Technical Cookies: These are cookies used to monitor the operation of our website.

Cookie Management

You can personalize your preferences regarding the cookies we use on our website and mobile application through the settings of the internet browser you are using. Depending on the capabilities offered by the internet browser you use, data owners can prevent the use of cookies, receive a warning before a cookie is used, disable some cookies, or delete some cookies. Preferences regarding cookies should be made separately from all devices on which the website is used. Cookie preferences may vary by browser. However, closing some cookies may affect your user experience and prevent some functions of our website and mobile application from working. We recommend that you allow all cookies in order to have smooth access to all the functions offered by our website and mobile application.

You can find detailed information about browsers and cookies at

You can use the device's settings menu to manage cookies on your mobile devices.

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